Disney Movies Anywhere Released

For Disney fans who want to be submerged in the magical world 24/7, this might be the best news you’ll hear all week! Disney has just launched their new program, “Disney Movies Anywhere”. With this service, you will be able to sync your movie downloads onto your Apple products or iTunes. Unfortunately, there’s no love for the droid, so I’m not sure how this will work for me and my Samsung… 😦

When I get home tonight, I will try to connect this to my iTunes account. If you’re a Disney Movie Club member, such as I am, you can log-in to the program now and connect to your iTunes account. You will receive a free download of the Pixar movie, The Incredibles, for a limited time.

For more information, check out the original post. 

And if there is anyone out there in the blogosphere that is more tech-savvy than I am (it won’t take much), maybe you can let me know how this differs from downloading a digital copy of the movie? I will look into this more tonight and report back, but as for now, this is all the information I have, so I wanted to share it with you right away! Enjoy!

The True Identity of Andy’s Mom In “Toy Story” Will Blow Your Mind

Jon Negroni has put together another wonderful theory that will give you goosebumps! Enjoy!

Jon Negroni

It all started with a hat.

Several months ago, one of my anonymous Pixar Theory Interns (that’s a thing on a resume) came to me with a crazy proposition: Andy’s mom is Emily, Jessie’s previous owner.

I laughed. I then agreed.

For some time, I compiled all of the evidence and found some incredible support for this theory. For one thing, take a close look at Andy’s cowboy hat he frequently wears in the movies:

Andy's Hat

Here’s another close look:

Andy's Hat

As you can see, Andy’s hat is noticeably different from Woody’s. Why is this? Why wouldn’t Andy want to wear a hat that closely resembles the one worn by his favorite toy?

It’s no secret that Andy has a close connection with Woody. In Toy Story 2, his mom (who we only know as Ms. Davis) mentions that Woody is an old family toy.

Remember that Woody doesn’t even recall that…

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