Fairytale Designer Collection

I have to say, I was disappointed at the lack of The Princess and the Frog representation while on my trip to WDW. While at the largest Disney store in the world in Downtown Disney (World of Disney store), I was bombarded with floor to ceiling offerings of Frozen memorabilia. Don’t get me wrong, I am in love with that movie, but my girl Tiana is seriously under represented. I figured at the largest Disney store in the world, they would have been able to dedicate a shelf or two to her. *sigh*

Anyways, my disappointment has been mildly averted, thanks to the new “Fairytale Designer Collection” on Disney.com.


This collection highlights the following movies: The Princess and the Frog, Mulan, Pocahontas, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella.


It’s a rather small collection, but it’s a start! And check out the beautiful Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen doll!

tiana doll

While I’m less of a doll collector and am more likely to buy one of the mugs (or shirts, but I’m slowly getting away from that, too, with the help of my tiny closet), I have to say that I was tempted to start a doll collection. But I think for now, I’ll just be happy to know that this exists out there, somewhere!

Now go watch the movie and tell me that Tiana isn’t one of the coolest Disney Princesses to date! 😀

2 thoughts on “Fairytale Designer Collection

  1. I completely agree with you that Tiana wasn’t shown off as much as the other princesses at WDW! When I went last year, it was before the Frozen phenomenon, but I hardly found anything related to “The Princess and the Frog.” Not much from “Aladdin” either (Jasmine is also under represented). I’m more excited nowadays to see merchandise and memorabilia from films like “The Jungle Book,” “Peter Pan,” and “Alice in Wonderland,” since I feel like they get lost among the fairy tale princesses. Same with Mickey and the gang.

    • Yes I was excited, too, to see Baloo and Wendy dolls! They totally don’t get represented a lot. And you’re right, Jasmine is no where to be found! Like I said I love Frozen, but it would have been nice to see a Ray doll squeezed in between the Olaf’s and Sven’s! 🙂

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