Conflicted over Love Song…

…Not that I am getting married any time soon, so truly this is not an emergency. But every once in a while, this Diva daydreams about her fairy tale wedding. The major details are already set:

Location: Walt Disney World

Officiant: Goofy 

Transportation: Pixie Dust

Groom: TBD 

Along with those important details, my Wedding Song was always going to be from “So This is Love” – and for those of you who do not know what movie that comes from, I will tell you, and then immediately ask you to take a good, long look at your life choices. It’s from Cinderella, and is hands-down one of the most romantic moments in any movie, not just Disney, but ever! It’s perfect in every way. It’s short, which is good, because I don’t need to be dancing to a 5-minute song. The words are perfect yet simple. And it encapsulates what I would imagine a Disney Diva bride would want to feel on her wedding day.

so this is love cinderella

That being said, I find myself in an (unnecessary) conundrum.

The other day I was working at my desk, crunching numbers while tuned in to one of my most frequented Disney radio stations, when suddenly a familiar song came on. Oh yes, I have heard it many times, and I know all of the words… but for some reason, listening to it again made me realize that THIS might be a better wedding song. The travesty!


And what song, you might be wondering, has me all in a tizzy. I guarantee you know it too, and if you think about it long enough, you will figure it out.




tramp yawn



jiminy wait angry



But I don’t have all day, so I’ll tell you. Drum roll please!



It’s “One Song” from – ehm – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (You knew that, right?!) It’s beautiful! It’s magical! It’s just as perfect as my first choice, and that’s not fair!

Listen to it. Compare it to “So This is Love”, and tell me that I have not just discovered the newest, soon-to-be–most-discussed-and-debated current issue of our time. That being: Which Song is a Better Wedding Song?

Well, what do you think?


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