Getting “Home” Sick

“Home” sick – as in missing Walt Disney World. I follow a ton of blogs and Facebook pages that refer to WDW as their “home” and so I thought I would borrow it. While I was just there in October for a short five-day trip, it’s been difficult for me to look over my photos from that time. Why? Probably because I have so many feelings about them. I really enjoyed my solo vacation, it was a lot of fun and I got to do things that strictly I wanted to do. I knew leaving would be tough because I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to get back there. Sure, I could realistically travel any time, but I feel a bit guilty going knowing that some people at home can’t go. Guilt, guilt, guilt!

And that’s why it’s hard to reflect on my vacation, because while I was so proud of myself for finally doing something for me, I know it probably bummed a couple of people out that they couldn’t come. *Deep sigh*

Anyways, it’s been six months and that means it’s time to share some photos from my trip. I took a bunch, of course, but this week ‘ll focus on the pictures I took around the Caribbean Beach Resort, where I stayed.


This was my building, #52 in Aruba. >.<


I was super close to the pool! Although… I didn’t go swimming. :/


Beautiful view at the end of the walkway. I was so close to the water. See the colorful buildings across the way – it really felt like I was in the Caribbean!


Each “Island” has its own beach. It was very quiet when I went down in October. Had I been there longer, I would have taken advantage of the beach chairs and lounged around, but I wanted to get as much Disney time in as possible!


This bridge connected Aruba and Jamaica to the Center or hub, where there was a food court, some shopping, a really cool Spanish-style pool, and bus pick up. Inside Caribbean Cay was a hidden play area and a perfect viewing area of the sunset.



Coming around the bridge, you can see the neat pool they had there.


This is “Centertown”, the hub. It was really cool inside. They had painted the ceiling with clouds so it felt like an open-air market. Good food, too.

While the CBR was absolutely stunning and transported you the the Caribbean, all in all, it wasn’t one of my favorites. If I had more leisure time, maybe, but this resort had almost completely eliminated any reference to “Disney”, so it sort of felt like you weren’t actually at Walt Disney World. Some people might be looking for a retreat away from the parks, and that’s fine, but as for me, I really enjoy being immersed in the Disney world!

I also wasn’t a fan of the busing system, as I felt it took to long to get out of the resort. The buses had to stop at each island for pick-up/drop-off, and there were a few of them, about eight if I remember correctly. So it took a while to get in and out. Also, I was lucky to be staying in Aruba, which is located across from Centertown. But certain other “islands” were super far away from Centertown, and after all the walking you do in the parks, having to walk to the hub for a drink/snack/toiletries/etc… must have been a bummer.

Again, it was beautiful and serene, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. Next time – whenever that may be – I think I’ll check out on Port Orleans. Anyone else have any suggestions?

I hope you enjoy my pictures. Now I will spend my night struggling with the options of planning another trip, or not… oh, the agony! 🙂


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