Which Menacing Disney Duo are You and Your BFF?

I love this quiz from Disney Fanatic (great site too, if you haven’t ventured over there yet, I highly recommend them!). It made me laugh, especially my results. My BFF and I are not menacing or scary at all – and it totally shows! Here are our results:

pain and panic

You and your bestie are like Pain and Panic from Hercules. You are utterly hilarious when you’re together and only get into mild trouble here and there. What’s important is that you are there for each other no matter what!

Take the quiz and let me know your results!

2 thoughts on “Which Menacing Disney Duo are You and Your BFF?

  1. Hiya
    I love this post !! I will def take this quiz !! Just to let u know too that I have nominated you for the Disney challenge. The list of questions are on my blog. I hope you enjoy doing it.
    Ari 💜💙💛💚

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