It’s Christmas Time!

Finally! The turkey-dinner is over and now it’s time to focus on the best time/holiday/season of the year! CHRISTMAS

pig lion king pumbaa

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon shopping for the perfect tree to bring home, and relished in the nursery as they cut my tree, as I allowed the smell of pine and vanilla candles to fill me up! I just can’t wait to decorate it.

christmas tree

Some might say that I purchased my lovely tree too early. Crazy, right? I mean, the folks at Disneyland began decorating their trees back on November 13th. No, really!

Check out the video, I’m not making this up.

Besides, tomorrow is December 1st, and the best way to kick off the most magical month of the year is by singing carols while trimming the tree!


Happy Thanksgiving!

pluto thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I’m taking a quiet moment from cooking, baking, and setting the table to reflect on all I am thankful for. This year has been one of the craziest, more stressful years of my life. I understand that things are changing, we are all getting older and becoming ourselves. So, as time moves forward, I have to make a conscious effort to appreciate these changes are a good thing. They are something to be thankful for. My family is living in a time and place where this exploration and growth is possible. Now that I am older, I realize that this isn’t a luxury we all experience. I’m also thankful for being able to spend yet another Thanksgiving meal with my parents and siblings. The dinner isn’t even that important to me anymore. Just having a few precious hours to all be together is a gift. I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you will take a moment to reflect on the good things you have. – xoxo


thanksgiving disney

Case of the Mondays…

monday roz

Mondays are difficult. Especially when they head off a holiday week. Am I right? These next three days are bound to draaaaaag oooooon. But it’s all good! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and THAT is Thanksgiving/Black Friday/The Good Dinosaur Saturday (sorry, I couldn’t think of a way to make that more creative)!!!

I hope your Monday goes by quickly, too.

On another note, have you every wondered what it would be like to work in an office with someone like Roz? Or maybe, you already do?… I think it could be entertaining, as long as you stay on her good side!



Attention Black Friday Shoppers!

Are you like me? Do you get a rush leaving your house at midnight the Friday after Thanksgiving as you drive to the stores? Love that feeling of cool air mixed with the beginning sounds of Christmas songs poking into the radio stations? Do you relish in the pre-dawn coffee treat at Starbucks as you’ve successfully ended the bulk of your Christmas shopping while many are still sleeping of their turkey dinner?

mickey coffee

Black Friday has become a very special tradition to me. It’s the start of the Christmas season, the most magical time of the year, and really gets me in the spirit!

Now, it can be a challenge navigating through all of the super-savings that the stores have to offer, and I spend a good amount of time clipping coupons and mapping out my trip. Of course, any help is most appreciated.

 Reg. $39.99. Now $19.99. Star Wars, other characters, available. Available at Kohl's.

Reg. $39.99. Now $19.99. Star Wars, other characters, available.                                 Available at Kohl’s.

Well, the folks over at Mickey Fix are lending a very helpful hand. They have compiled all the Disney sales that they could possibly find and listed it on one convenient place. Click here to be directed to their site!

Do you have any particular Disney items on your shopping list?

Are you Black Friday shoppers, or do you prefer to sleep in and wait for Cyber Monday?

Whatever your preference may be, I think we can all agree that a Disney deal is always in season! Have fun everyone!

Fun Fact Friday! #178

It’s about time that I admit something to you. This is embarrassing enough, so please, be kind. I’m not proud.

This Diva has to confess that she has never actually watched Fantasia. Yes, the classic 1940’s movies that broke records and became one of the most unique films of all time, never graced my TV.

evil step mother


I tried. I really did!

A few weeks ago while perusing Netflix, I noticed that Fantasia was available. I made a blase statement that we should watch it again. Again. Just to refresh my memory.

Well it began and after five minutes of not much really happening, my movie ADD kicked in and I defaulted back to Lilo and Stitch (oh God they must never take that movie down!). Anyways, I tried again a few days later, but my attempts were unsuccessful. So, as I prepared my Fun Fact for today, letting you all know the Fantasia is the longest running Disney movie of all time at 124 minutes (there it is!), I was getting ready to refer to my favorite part.

And this – this is when I realized that I didn’t have one.

embarrass wardrobe

So I put the movie on again and began scrolling through the scenes. Aside from Mickey Mouse and the brooms, I was lost. What was going on?!

At that moment, I made a promise to myself to watch the movie. Someday…



                                 The Diva’s Favorite Part.