New Design of “The Jungle Book” Character Plush! So cute!

Seriously, Disney? Is there some conspiracy out there that’s goal is to turn me into a stuffed-animal hoarder? I already have a super large Stitch plus, a Baymax, a seagull from Nemo, 60th Anniversary Minnie, and all of the classic Winnie the Pooh characters… and now this!

Well I can’t stay angry, especially when it comes to Disney. Perhaps if I share the newest items on my blog, it will satisfy my desire to order all of them right this second.

Check out these awesome Jungle Book stuffed animals!

shere khan jungle book king louie jungle book Kaa jungle book

You probably recognize the villainous Shere Khan, who looks more cuddly than cutthroat. And King Louie, in all his fiery glory (check out that hair!). Then Kaa, who will be voiced by the sleek Scarlett Johansson in the upcoming movie, looks shimmery. Gotta love that tongue, you can almost hear him/her hisssss!

junior elephant jungle book bagheera jungle book gray jungle book

Enough of the bad guys, how about the cutie good guys. Junior, Bagheera, and Gray! I love Gray’s eyes and think Bagheera is stunningly mysterious. Junior’s big ears remind me to my Stitch plushie!

And last, but certainly not least, is my favorite one of all. I have a great deal of memories with Baloo from my childhood. The Jungle Book was always one of my go-to movies as a kid, and Baloo made me laugh nonstop. I’ve always had a soft spot for him. And look at how he was recreated. Just beautiful!

baloo jungle book

I love the coloring on him, the big paws and sweet face. He is the epitome of “Teddy Bear”! So… naturally… I… had to……. buy him………….


Okay, moving on. Anyone care to tell me who this fellow is? I’m assuming he will be part of the rendition coming out in just under two months (yes, April 15th is the date!)!!!

To celebrate, I give you… Mr. Pangolin!

mr. pangolin jungle book


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