
Me and Donald Duck!

Me and Donald Duck! Disneyland 11/2015.

Thanks for visiting my page! Are you wondering what a Disney Diva is? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

No, Disney Diva’s are not sitting around in our castle tower all day, wearing our tiaras *only in my dreams*. A Disney Diva is different then your regular, run-of-the-mill Diva. That’s because we are inspired by our Disney Princesses, who are never the textbook princesses, are they? No! They are tough, inspiring, brave, and smart. Us divas love the romantic prince-charming’s just as much as we admire the witty comebacks. We love ALL THINGS DISNEY!

To incorporate my love of cooking, I will be trying a yummy Disney recipe or – when I’m feeling really creative – I will create my own Disney inspired meal!

I have some real tried-and-true Disney Park tips to share with you in hopes that your visit to Disney is the ultimate experience! And you’ll find tons of fun facts, news, and all things Disney right here!




The Disney Diva is not affiliated with The Walt Disney Company. Official information can be found at DisneyParks.com.

11 thoughts on “About

  1. So glad to have found you! I recently wrote a post about the best places to find Disney recipes online. I’d love to know of some of your favorite places to find recipes so I can help expand *my* obsession!

    • Hello, good to meet you! Well, I have found a great bunch at http://www.allears.net, they literally have lists of recipes from all of the parks! What I like to do is take those recipes and create them (with pictures, I need pictures!!). Often times I make my own adjustments to the recipes, it’s really my favorite hobby. I hope you’ll check back now and then, I will be constantly adding recipes on my blog, and hopefully soon I will be able to enter my own Disney inspired recipes! 🙂

  2. I adore your blog! It makes me smile, especially your Daily Disney doses! And I love how you say the Disney Princesses are not textbook princesses! I couldn’t agree more! Can’t wait to try some of your recipes! 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for the kind message! Everyone needs a daily dose of Disney, don’t you think? Just makes the day easier. I hope you’ll keep checking back for more recipes, I’ve got a bunch I want to try!

  4. Pingback: Disney Fact #128 | The Disney Diva

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