Mom’s Meatloaf

I found this recipe at, where they have collected tons of recipes from Disney parks. This recipe if for Mom’s Meatloaf, and can be found at one of the most fun restaurants in Hollywood Studios – 50’s Prime Time Cafe!

50's prime time cafe

If you’ve never been to the 50’s Prime Time Cafe, I strongly recommend you try it out. The decor is amazing, as if you are really sitting at your Mom’s kitchen table back in the 1950’s. The servers are sassy, and once scolded my brother for not eating his vegetables! It’s a lot of fun and the food is tasty, good-old American meals! 

*This very simple recipe can be made with ground turkey as well, for a healthier option.

Start by dicing the onions and peppers. I added a diced clove of garlic to my recipe as well, because my Italian roots doesn’t allow me to add onions to any recipe without its buddy. Add the meats to a large mixing bowl, along with the diced vegetables and remaining meatloaf ingredients.

Step 1 is done!

Step 1 is done!

Next, it’s time to get messy! This is when I would normally call my little sister in. For some reason, she always enjoyed mixing things with her hands. On a side note, if you did freeze the meat previously, make sure it’s room temperature before you mix it. Not only will the extra moisture cancel out some flavor, but you’re hands will thank you for not dipping them into an ice block!

All combined and looking good!

All combined and looking good!

Now that everything is all mixed together properly, it’s time to divide the meat mixture into two even portions and add them into loaf pans that have been sprayed with cooking spray. I always cover my meatloaf to keep the heat in so the middle cooks. While this recipe doesn’t call for milk, I promise this is the most moist and tender meatloaf I have ever made! The first time I did use beef, but even when I substituted it with ground turkey, the meatloaf didn’t dry out.

Put the trays on a baking sheet. It makes it easier to remove them from the hot oven.

Put the trays on a baking sheet. It makes it easier to remove them from the hot oven.

While the meatloaf bakes, it’s time to make the yummy glaze. Now, the recipe from all ears might make enough to cover one meatloaf, but I found that by making one large loaf, the outside got very dry while the middle was still raw. So by separating it into two loafs, you will avoid this problem. That being said, you will also have to double the glaze recipe (below). It’s worth it, though. This recipe is rather healthy as a whole!

Add the glaze, uncover the meatloaf and let the glaze set. I kept the fifties theme going and served this meatloaf with mashed potatoes and honey-glazed carrots. So quick and delicious!

The beautiful end result!

The beautiful end result!

This Diva might be a better cook than photographer, but I am working on strengthening my food-photo skills! Enjoy!


2 lb ground beef
1 lb ground pork
4 eggs
1 cup seasoned bread crumbs
½ cup diced onions
1/4 cup diced green peppers
1/4 cup diced red peppers
2 Tbsp worcestershire sauce
Cracked black pepper to taste
Kosher salt to taste
½ cup Meatloaf Glaze (recipe below)


Dice peppers and onions and set aside for later use. Combine meats and seasonings. Add vegetables. Place meat mixture in oiled loaf pan. Bake at 350º F oven for 1 hour (internal temp 155º).

Brush meatloaf with meatloaf glaze. Bake another 10 minutes. Let meatloaf set 10 minutes, cut loaf and serve.


½ cup ketchup
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tsp Dijon mustard
½ Tsp worcestershire sauce


Combine all ingredients until mixture is smooth.