Goodbye, Summer!

As you may know, today is the last day of summer. An overlooked event at climately-charmed area, such as Orlando, Florida, I’m sure! (Or Anaheim, lest we forget the motherland)

figaro cuddlyBut up here in New England, the end of summer is a bittersweetreminder that we will soon be entering into the dark, cold, icy days of a long winter. Don’t get me wrong, I’m busing at the seams here in preparation for a wonderful autumn season, my favorite time of year, in fact.We do it right up here by honoring the mild days and chilly nights with extraordinary comforts. I’m talking cozy sweaters, warm apple cider, and relaxing stories by the fireplace. Autumn is magic in its own right!

So today, we say “So long” to the carefree, sunny and hot days of summer. This video is the perfect summer send off!

Friday Fun Fact! #167


If you were asked to name the oldest Disney original character, would it be safe to say an educated guess would be to answer “Mickey Mouse!” Yeah, I thought so too. But interestingly enough, Mickey Mouse is not the oldest Disney character. I know what you’re thinking, and it isn’t Donald Duck, either. Nor Minnie, or Goofy, or even Pluto. So, who do we have left?

…Believe it or not, it’s Big Pete!


He made his debut in the 1925 cartoon Alice Solves the Puzzle, three years before Steamboat Willie (November 1928) premiered. And if you’re a real smarty and know that technically Mickey’s very first appearance was actually in a screen testing for Plane Crazy (May 1928), a cookie for you! 

Big Pete was originally drawn as an anthropomorphic bear, but with the success of Mickey Mouse, was changed to a cat as a more natural enemy. Because in reality, bears and mice are cool, ya know?

       big pete bear      big pete car


So let’s give a round of applause to Big Pete. While he is portrayed mostly as a villain in his long list of roles, we still have some Disney love for this big guy!


Special Post


This past Saturday, my family and I celebrated my father’s 60th birthday!

We were lucky to all be together to enjoy his special day. My father is an incredibly hard-working and ambitious guy, but he still knows how to have fun and be a little… goofy. So to honor his birthday, I am dedicating this cartoon, starring my favorite Disney character, to him!

This is one of my all-time favorites. Love you, Dad!



Enjoy “A Knight for a Day”!

Preparing for the Blizzard!

mickey minnie on iceWhy am I still living here?

I should be in Florida, but alas, I can’t leave the family behind. Anyways, we are expecting to get 28″+ in the next 36 hours. It has already begun to snow, and I am sooo not looking forward to this.

But if I do have to be stuck inside, at least I’ll have my Disney shorts to keep me company. “On Ice” is a hopeful short that could almost convince me snow can be fun!

[Sorry, that’s a real stretch!]


Celebrate Ferdinand!

On this day in 1938, Ferdinand the Bull was released. What makes this short mean so much to me is that my grandfather is also a Ferdinand, and they have almost the same temperament. Although Ferdinand the Bull is a large guy, while my grandfather was also smaller, they share the same laid-back personality, always are full of wonder, and definitely not a “tough guy”.

ferdinand the bull

Not very threatening, is he?

If you’ve never seen the cartoon short, do yourself a favor and check it out! These old cartoons are so charming and nostalgic. I wish they made more like this!