Fun Fact Friday! #159

cinderella-bluray-21With the new Cinderella movie premiering today, I thought it was appropriate to make Fact #159 about the classic princess herself.

Ilene Woods, the voice of (the original) Cinderella, was the first person to use double tracked vocals, ever. It was a innovative technique thought up by Walt himself.


Here's an added bonus: This clip was Walt Disney's all time favorite piece of animation. This was drawn by Marc Davis, one of Disney's Nine Old Men.

Bonus Fact: This clip was Walt Disney’s all time favorite piece of animation. This was drawn by Marc Davis, one of Disney’s Nine Old Men.


In this awesome and insightful interview with Ilene, she talks about the process of this double-track recording. You can tell she adored Walt Disney. ❤

Fun Fact Friday! #158

As some of you may know, I recently went to Walt Disney World and thoroughly enjoyed a solo vacation. It was interesting, a lot of fun, and I plan on going every year… that is, if I can afford it.

That’s leads me to fact #158: Did you know that on opening day of Walt Disney World, admission tickets were a meager $3.50?


Hello, if I’m feeling fancy whilst stumbling into a Starbucks, I could drop $5 on a cup. If the prices were still that way, you bet your bootie I’d be going to WDW once a year. No, scratch that, I would make it my job to be there every day. Do I hear a new blog idea for 2016: 365 consecutive Disney Days?

I wonder if my boss would support a 12-month sabbatical?

dream wish

What Would Your Job at Disney Be?

If you’re like me, getting a job at Walt Disney World sounds more like winning the lottery! I understand that work is work, but I have to imagine that being at the parks in the warm weather, music, and scenery would make up for any nuances. My job is hardly a “dream”, so I often find myself daydreaming about heading south and joining the crew at WDW. But, what job would I have there? Hmm…

Try the quiz and see what you get! Maybe we can save some money and rent a place together 😉

Is this an ambiguous reference?

Is this an ambiguous reference?

My job?: Ticket Taker

You say hello to people as they arrive and leave. You are the perfect way to start and end the day.



Actually, I think I would prefer a job inside the park, but I can see the plus side of working the booth. A chair, AC, and a wonderful view of the entrance! *dream*



Well, someone’s gotta win!


I’m not a gambling (wo)man, but it didn’t take much convincing to get me to throw my name in the hat for this! A winner will be chosen every day this month for a trip to stay at Cinderella’s castle.

That’s 31 chances to win!

Why they didn’t publish this until yesterday is beyond me, but anyways click here and enter yourself! Remember, if you win, it was this Diva who told you about it, and for the purpose of good karma, you’ll have to take me along: 😉

Good luck!

New “Cinderella” Trailer… and opinions…


When I first saw that teaser trailer of just a glass shoe flash across my TV, I have to admit, I wasn’t thrilled at all. How can they remake this classic movie? I mean, it’s Cinderella, for crying out loud!

My adversity towards this film only grew stronger after I saw the letdown, Maleficent. That movie was horrible, even with Angelina Jolie, one of my favorites!

Well, I did finally get around to watching the official trailer for Cinderella, and my thoughts have shifted slightly. First off, I was under the impression that this remake would be an adaptation of the classic animated movie, with the singing and talking mice and all. That was not cool with me. I will say, though, that this doesn’t appear to be the case. The movie has a more dramatic feeling, I don’t think there is any place for singing in it. Point 1 for movie.

Also, I’m overly ecstatic to see one of my other favorite actors, Cate Blanchett, playing the Evil Stepmother! Now I am apprehensive, because I felt the same excitement with Jolie, so I’m hoping history won’t repeat itself where that is concerned. Point 2 for movie.

And last, being a passionate Game of Thrones fan (can you blame me?!), I am so so so looking forward to seeing “Robb Stark” in his dreamy role as Prince Charming. Point 3.

robb stark prince charming

A dream is a wish your… OK, enough.

Now, my concerns. 

Number one – the mice. They were such a critical part of the original, that making them voiceless CGI rodents might not translate with the same wonderment. I can’t imagine it will, actually, but we’ll see.

Number two, three, four, etc… – THE FAIRY GODMOTHER?!?!?! They cast Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother?!?! Noooooooo. That could potentially ruin the entire movie for me. Don’t get me wrong, she’s great in certain movies, but really, it’s Helena Bonham Carter. She’s not the chubby, soft, elderly woman that pops into my head when I think “Fairy Godmother”. I don’t see it.


I know, this is from the third movie. But I love that expression!

But then again, all of my opinions are based off of a two-and-a-half minute trailer. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised? I’m already more intrigued to see the movie after seeing the trailer, so I need to leave Maleficent where it lies and come to this movie completely unbiased and with an open mind. Until then! 🙂

Conflicted over Love Song…

…Not that I am getting married any time soon, so truly this is not an emergency. But every once in a while, this Diva daydreams about her fairy tale wedding. The major details are already set:

Location: Walt Disney World

Officiant: Goofy 

Transportation: Pixie Dust

Groom: TBD 

Along with those important details, my Wedding Song was always going to be from “So This is Love” – and for those of you who do not know what movie that comes from, I will tell you, and then immediately ask you to take a good, long look at your life choices. It’s from Cinderella, and is hands-down one of the most romantic moments in any movie, not just Disney, but ever! It’s perfect in every way. It’s short, which is good, because I don’t need to be dancing to a 5-minute song. The words are perfect yet simple. And it encapsulates what I would imagine a Disney Diva bride would want to feel on her wedding day.

so this is love cinderella

That being said, I find myself in an (unnecessary) conundrum.

The other day I was working at my desk, crunching numbers while tuned in to one of my most frequented Disney radio stations, when suddenly a familiar song came on. Oh yes, I have heard it many times, and I know all of the words… but for some reason, listening to it again made me realize that THIS might be a better wedding song. The travesty!


And what song, you might be wondering, has me all in a tizzy. I guarantee you know it too, and if you think about it long enough, you will figure it out.




tramp yawn



jiminy wait angry



But I don’t have all day, so I’ll tell you. Drum roll please!



It’s “One Song” from – ehm – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (You knew that, right?!) It’s beautiful! It’s magical! It’s just as perfect as my first choice, and that’s not fair!

Listen to it. Compare it to “So This is Love”, and tell me that I have not just discovered the newest, soon-to-be–most-discussed-and-debated current issue of our time. That being: Which Song is a Better Wedding Song?

Well, what do you think?