Going Back to Disney!

Ok I have to admit that in 2017, I took a total of three trips to the “motherland”, all with a different combination of people. And it. Was. AWESOME!

So now that I realize it is possible, I’m going to try and up the ante from one journey to at least twice a year. I was there in February, an amazing time to be there BTW.

Rose Gold Cupcake

Had to try the Rose Gold Cupcake at Seasons in Epcot! I’ll admit that it was my breakfast 🙂 It was SO delicious, I still crave it!

My mother and I went to the 2nd annual Festival of the Arts at Epcot! It was a really great time. Awesome food (of course!) and really cool seminars.

Pics from the Festival of the Arts!

We even did the “Behind the Seeds” tour and loved it! Can you tell Epcot is our favorite park?

I will be returning this August! Now I haven’t been there in the summer for years and years now, and we are Northerners that were recently pummeled this last winter. I’m hoping to survive the Florida heat, but I’m a little concerned about my hot-blooded fiancee.

Although we did go together in October 2017 and he did pretty well 🙂 It was his first time ever going, and I love going with newbies!

It’s obvious to see that my Disney obsession has not stopped! But this blog is a sure-fire way to feed the need as they say without driving anyone around me crazy with my constant need to sing Disney songs and decorate the house with Disney things!