It’s All About Aladdin!

aladdin gif

Today is the release of the Aladdin Diamond-Edition, and that means the day belongs to our favorite Street-Rat turned Prince! I’m watching the clock today at work, because my plans for tonight consist of watching this film on the big screen and singing along to all the songs – because every 90’s kids should have this movie memorized!

Check out this video of Lea Salonga (Jasmine) and Brad Kane (Aladdin) as they sing A Whole New World on the Good Morning America, with brilliant song-writer Alan Menken accompanying them. Priceless!


Robin and the Genie

I apologize in advance that these last two posts are a tad somber, but I didn’t realize yesterday that today was the one-year anniversary of Robin William’s passing. In an effort to keep things on the up-and-up, I am sharing a video that I think is both extremely interesting and honorable for the actor who brought to life one of Disney’s most iconic characters; the Genie from Aladdin.

The video is from Nightline, and it is about how the animators convinced Williams to voice the wish-granting goofball. Start the video at 2:30 to skip the report on the details of his passing.

It’s a really sweet video with great behind-the-scenes shots. I’m smiling as I am writing this! Enjoy! 🙂

Aladdin: The Life Coach

I love Aladdin. The whole entire movie, everything about it. And I’ve complained here before that I’m super bummer that I don’t have it on DVD. I know – I could buy it, but I’m waiting for it tocome out of the vault. That way, it will be added to my Disney Movies Anywhere account and I can watch it… well, anywhere! Plus, I’m a strong believer in waiting for the good stuff, especially nowadays when things are so easily obtained. And so, I wait.

But I do obsess over the film every once in a while, and as I do, I scavenge online for some interesting perspective. And I just so happened to stumble upon this wonderful nugget of awesomeness. It’s 10 Life Lessons from Aladdin. Source 

Who knew this movie could be so deep. But what got me thinking about some real important decisions was this small little quote from the movie:

aladdin jasmine

I don’t know the answer to that one. And that sort of makes me… sad. Hm. Before we kick off the week, it might be a good time to seek out a different perspective. I think an inner reevaluation is necessary every once in a while, don’t you?

Fun Fact Friday! #158

As some of you may know, I recently went to Walt Disney World and thoroughly enjoyed a solo vacation. It was interesting, a lot of fun, and I plan on going every year… that is, if I can afford it.

That’s leads me to fact #158: Did you know that on opening day of Walt Disney World, admission tickets were a meager $3.50?


Hello, if I’m feeling fancy whilst stumbling into a Starbucks, I could drop $5 on a cup. If the prices were still that way, you bet your bootie I’d be going to WDW once a year. No, scratch that, I would make it my job to be there every day. Do I hear a new blog idea for 2016: 365 consecutive Disney Days?

I wonder if my boss would support a 12-month sabbatical?

dream wish

Top 10: Sing-Along Songs!

My foot’s already tapping as I glance over my Top 10 list of best Sing-Along Songs in a Disney movie. The competition was tight, tears were shed, and tough choices had to be made. One movie, in particular, made it on the list – twice! A Disney Diva Top 10 first! But you’ll understand when you see it. Forgive me if I am bias. 🙂

#10 “Topsy Turvy” from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

topsy turvy

Come one, come all! Any song that begins with a crowd of cheerful voices is sure to get my attention. With the confetti, bright colors, and wordy lyrics, this song is snappy and tons of fun to sing along to. The animation is goofy and “Ev’ryone is acting crazy“! I especially love the breakdown near the end of the song as they go to crown Quasimodo as the King of Fools. If this song doesn’t get your head nodding, you need to turn it up!


#9 “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ” from Mary Poppins



It may be hard to spell, but it isn’t hard to say. Actually, it’s the perfect thing to say when you have nothing to say. This classic song is recognized by young and old, and was probably one of the first songs I ever learned to sing along to!


#8 “I Wanna Be Like You” from The Jungle Book


“Well I’m the King of the swingers, oh, the Jungle V.I.P!” Come on! Try singing that line and not finding it unbelievably difficult to finish the rest. This is one song that gets stuck in my head all the time. I love the snappy feel of it, and the best part is, even if you don’t know the words, you can always join in the sing-along as the background chorus! Just follow the singer, you know. Monkey see, monkey do!


#7 “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” from The Lion King

lion king


Oh, the choreography that went along with this song in my house! One sang Simba’s part, one did Zazu’s (I believe it was me), and never before had I felt so connected with a movie. I am a Diva, you know, waiting until the day I become Queen. Simba’s my soul character! :p


#6 “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from Mulan

mulan man out of you

Part singing. Part dancing. Part karate. Hello! This song has everything. Mulan is one of those movies that I have literally memorized nearly 100% of the dialogue, and while she might not get represented as much as some others, we need to always remember one important thing: Mulan is badass. That’s a fact.


#5 “Zero to Hero” from Hercules

hercules zero to hero


Being a former Backstreet Boy fangirl, I unfortunately relate to this sea of screaming, babbling girls, and believe that if I had been around in  Ancient Greece, you would see my face in this crowd! There are many awesome and fun songs in Hercules, which uniquely incorporated a gospel-inspired singing narrative group, the “Muses”. They deliver some of the most exciting and upbeat songs in any Disney movie, but this is my favorite!


#4 “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

under the sea

I believe I am half-mermaid, and entirely agree with a good group of these lyrics. “The human world, it’s a mess.” Yup! “Up on the shore, they work all day!” Uh-huh. “What do they got, a lot of sand?” Not even… I’m miles away from the ocean.  I think part of the reason that I love this song is because when I was a kid, I would imagine that maybe I could live ‘under the sea’, and that inspired my to start writing fictional stories to get into that fantasy land. Anyways, I’m getting off track. The reason it’s so good is obvious; the upbeat music, the catchy tune and wonderful feeling of comradery. It’s such a great song because it gets you singing, dancing, and laughing!


#3   “Hakuna Matata” from The Lion King

hakuna matata

Yes, The Lion King made it twice! But how could it not. This movie has some of the best sing-along, ballads, choir songs, of all time. It’s wonderful and I’m probably going to watch it tonight. Hakuna Matata has a great message. It is also one of the more creatively successful ways Disney advanced its timeline to age Simba. I think this song is brilliant!


#2 “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast

be our guest

This movie was made for Broadway, but it had the advantage of animation. Combine the two and you have an immediate breakthrough! The choreographed dinnerware, the beautiful leveling of scenes, and the awesome culinary references make this one of the most fun songs to not only sing-along to, but belt out! I especially enjoy playing this song while I’m cooking. I get energized and wear an instant-smile whenever I hear this song. Plus you get to test out your French accent. It’s so wordy and creative, that once you learn all the words, singing along to it becomes pure bliss!


#1 A Friend Like Me from Aladdin

YES! YES! YES! This is the ultimate in sing-along songs! Why? Because the Genie is amazing, unassuming, and tons of fun! I know people were probably expecting “Let it Go” fro Frozen, but the way I see it is this: A fun sing-along song is one that I can actually sing! “Let it Go” is brilliant, but it isn’t fun, it’s actually rather melancholy. Anyways, back to my First Place Winner. Wanna tap your feet, snap your fingers, jump around and laugh – then sing-along to this! You can practice your funny character voices thanks to this happy tune. It has every single necessary component to making a great sing-along song, from the happy lyrics, animated imagery, and a dash of goofiness. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!


Top 10 Non-Verbal Animals!

I like to think that the world would be an amazing, much better place if animals were able to talk. And of course, within the magical world of Disney, they can! Well, most of them can. But even though some characters are not equipped with the ability to speak, they have still managed to win us over time and time again. These animated characters come to life through their movements and facial expressions, so I searched the web to find the best clips I could of each. Here is my Top 10 favorite animals that didn’t need to say a word to make me love them!

#10. Cri-kee from Mulan

crikee gif 2

Mulan had an interesting entourage with her as she entered battle, none of which were what they claimed to be. And even though Cri-kee isn’t truly a lucky cricket, he certainly is one of the bravest little bugs I’ve ever seen. He stays by Mulan’s side as she battles warriors, ridicule, and her own demons. Cri-kee quickly becomes Mushu’s pal, and while Mushu talks to much, Cri-kee’s silence allows him to gain a presence all his own.

#9. Kevin from Up

Kevin's a...girl?

Kevin’s a…girl?

Kevin’s a… girl? She certainly is, and she’s a girl with a mission. She needs to care for her babies while avoiding capture, and risks her safety for her little ones like any mother would. Kevin’s storyline is truly complex and fascinating when you think about it. For a bird who can’t verbalize her situation, she somehow stirs up a feeling of urgency when she is kidnapped. Still, she also makes us laugh at her weird antics and devotion to Russell. After learning about Kevin’s love for chocolate, it’s no surprise to me that she ended up being a girl!

#8. Meeko from Pocahontas

Meeko's a goofball!

Meeko’s a goofball!

Mischievous Meeko doesn’t seemed fazed by the fact that there is a battle going on over his homeland. All he’s concerned about it getting his next meal. He will be loyal to whomever has the best treats, a trick that John Smith quickly learned. But this little raccoon symbolizes something greater than a cheeky night bandit. He is a friend to Pocahontas, and a friend to all the creatures around him. His silly ways break the tension between Pocahontas and John, and help them reach an understanding.

#7. Figaro from Pinocchio

Tra la la little Figaro.

Tra la la little Figaro.

When characters don’t speak in films, they need to have wonderful expressions. Figaro shows his discontent when he is asked to climb out of bed to open the window. He shows annoyance when he has to wait to eat. He’s a fickle cat with many emotions! Gepetto has a very whimsical and enchanting home, full of trinkets and toys, yet this cat is one of the most interesting things in the little house! His attitude is lazy and blasé, the way most real cats are perceived. But Figaro is also a funny, curious kitten who never stops exploring. His adventures might be silent, but they are fun to watch!

#6. Sven from Frozen

Reindeer are better than people, Sven?

Reindeer are better than people, Sven?

He’s a reindeer who loves his human Kristoff so much, he even allows Kristoff to speak for him! But happy-go-lucky Sven doesn’t mind at all. He’s grown so close to Kristoff that he can even participate in songs while keeping completely silent. Sven is a good guy to have around. While most of the time he is happy to be helping, and only asks for a carrot now and then, he knows when to put his foot down and demand attention. Like when Kristoff was about to leave Princess Anna without going back to fight for her. Sven stepped out of his laid-back self and silently forced Kristoff to head back to the kingdom. His inability to speak does not make him a 2-dimensional background character. No, Sven has a ton of personality, and makes me laugh with his goofy ways!

#5. Nana from Peter Pan

nana 3

I wish she could have gone with them!

Growing up, I always wished that I could have Nana babysit me in place of the snarky teenage girlsI was left with. Nana is a perfect example of delivering a message with only her expressions. You can see that she cares and loves her Darling’s just as she would her own puppies. Her meticulous care of the nursery is something she is proud of. And you can also see her heartbreak when she is forced to stay outside like… well, like a dog. Without saying a word, Nana runs through the spectrum of human emotions so well that you might forget that she isn’t a real Nanny.

#4. Maximus from Tangled

This horse has got a mission!

This horse has got a mission!

He’s a horse who thinks he’s a soldier who acts like a dog. Hm, interesting? Maximum has a lot of moral convictions, more than even some human characters do. He’s a rule-follower, and horse who sees right and wrong as black and white, there is no gray area. He will uphold the law to the letter. The best example of this is when we see the moral struggle Flynn Rider puts Maximus in when he leaves him a bag of apples that he bought “most of.” Maximus is perplexed because he doesn’t want to eat stolen apple. How can a horse who doesn’t speak translate such a strong moral compass? It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?

#3. Abu from Aladdin

You know what he's saying without even saying it!

You know what he’s saying without even saying it!

Where would Aladdin be without his silent partner-in-crime? He understands the way of the world, and knows how to get what he wants. Abu is a clever monkey, but he struggles with his lust for gold and the finer things in life. He, like Maximus, comes to many trials of right and wrong. His thieving certainly got the best of him every now and then, but deep down Abu is a loyal and caring companion. He is also very animated and can tell a story, and his feelings, just by acting them out. Pretty impressive!

#2. Dumbo from Dumbo

But I be done seen about everything, when I see an elephant fly.

But I be done seen about everything, when I see an elephant fly.

Dumbo proves that you don’t need to speak to star in your own movie! This little guy defies all odds when he “flies”, quiets the naysayers, and creates his own path in the world, all without mumbling one word. Dumbo grows up right in front of our eyes, learns harsh lessons about the world, but takes it all in stride. I don’t believe there will ever be another leading star that can silently win our hearts the way that Dumbo has.

#1. Pluto from… lots of stuff!

Instead of roses, we threw him dogs bones for his #1 win!

Instead of roses, we threw him dogs bones for his #1 win!

Mickey Mouse’s loyal dog, Pluto, is my number one choice because he encompasses all that personality throughout the decades without needing to open his mouth to speak. He’s naturally a happy dog, but throughout the years we have seen him get angry, sad, confused, and pretty goofy, too. Pluto always makes me smile when I see him. This dog has starred in many cartoons and shorts, and his big ears and dopey smile are recognized across the world. He is the most famous dog who never speaks that I can think of, and he’s also adorable, too!