The Story of “Sharing the Magic”

This story was shared with me by my father after he took Keys to the Kingdom tour at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World.

We all know the famous statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse that is found smack in the middle of Magic Kingdom in front of Cinderella’s Castle. Did you know the name for the statue is called “Partners”? Neither did I…

But this post isn’t about Walt or Mickey. Instead, it’s about the bittersweet tribute made by “Partners” and its counterpart, “Sharing the Magic”.


As the tour guide explained to my father, Walt is holding Mickey’s hand and pointing towards something with the other. What he is pointing to is the “Sharing the Magic” statue of his brother, Roy O. Disney, and Minnie Mouse. Why?

Remember, these statues were created long after Walt has passed away. So, in “Partners”, Walt is telling Mickey that he cannot go with him. That he needs to stay behind with Roy and Minnie, and make the magic continue in his memory.

*Touching? It gets sweeter!

Sculptor Blaine Gibson is credited with creating these beautiful pieces of art. He was an original Imagineer who apparently was very close with both Walt and Roy Disney. While Walt and Mickey are always in the spotlight, Gibson felt that Roy was more in the background, supporting his little brother but keeping to himself.

It was obvious that Walt be paired with Mickey in “Partners”, however an almost better match was Roy and Minnie, who are both very important facets to the Disney “world” itself but always second to their celebrity counterparts.

This statue translates Gibson’s feelings for Roy being viewed as less approachable then Walt. He specifically places Minnie Mouse very close to Roy to close the gap and show that he was a welcoming contributor to the magic. They “share” the spotlight and the fame, and are happy to do it.

*Your eyes are watering

You will also notice how Roy and Minnie’s hands are placed. Roy’s hand is cradling hers by placing his underneath. This act of “support” by supporting her hand directly translates to how supportive Roy always was to Walt.

roy minnie holding hands

A final note, as if this could get any more bittersweet. My father was told that the open space on the bench next to Minnie Mouse is meant for none other than Mickey Mouse himself. As Walt points to his brother and Minnie, he is letting Mickey know that his place is there, with Minnie, to continue on the legacy of the Disney brothers.

*Cue the tears

I swear I will never look at those statues the same way!

Going Back to Disney!

Ok I have to admit that in 2017, I took a total of three trips to the “motherland”, all with a different combination of people. And it. Was. AWESOME!

So now that I realize it is possible, I’m going to try and up the ante from one journey to at least twice a year. I was there in February, an amazing time to be there BTW.

Rose Gold Cupcake

Had to try the Rose Gold Cupcake at Seasons in Epcot! I’ll admit that it was my breakfast 🙂 It was SO delicious, I still crave it!

My mother and I went to the 2nd annual Festival of the Arts at Epcot! It was a really great time. Awesome food (of course!) and really cool seminars.

Pics from the Festival of the Arts!

We even did the “Behind the Seeds” tour and loved it! Can you tell Epcot is our favorite park?

I will be returning this August! Now I haven’t been there in the summer for years and years now, and we are Northerners that were recently pummeled this last winter. I’m hoping to survive the Florida heat, but I’m a little concerned about my hot-blooded fiancee.

Although we did go together in October 2017 and he did pretty well 🙂 It was his first time ever going, and I love going with newbies!

It’s obvious to see that my Disney obsession has not stopped! But this blog is a sure-fire way to feed the need as they say without driving anyone around me crazy with my constant need to sing Disney songs and decorate the house with Disney things!




Tower of Terror Is On Its Way Out

Image result for tower of terror disney mickey

Ok, time to be completely honest. Walt Disney World is my soul animal, yes, everything about it I love love love. But sadly, I am inherently petrified of most rides and have not attempted to ride such classics as Splash Mount, Space Mountain, or… you guessed it… the Tower of Terror.

Does that make me any less of a Disney parks fan? No way! I’m grieving the loss of this iconic horror ride just like all the fanatics because it’s just that – an icon! The Tower of Terror is one of those rides that taunts you as you walk by, and it’s a lot of fun to watch the brave riders take the plunge, even from the safety of the ground below. And when you go to Disneyland, the ride pops out above the fences and you can see it from the street! Seriously. The ride has made an impression on me very strongly.

Now, I really enjoyed the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and I understand that it’s new and exciting and can agree that it should have a super cool ride in its honor. Although I don’t think the film deserves it more than some others (just saying), Disney is responding to something I’m sure, and today I can say confidentially that the good folks at Disney have no plans of changing there minds.

That’s because on Monday, the infamous sign which reads “The Hollywood Tower Hotel” was removed from the front of the Tower of Terror building.

The Disneyland Resort removed the sign on the top of the Tower of Terror attraction at Disney California Adventure Monday night. The sign said "The Hollywood Tower Hotel." This is being done in preparation for the new Guardians of the Galaxy-Mission Breakout version for the ride that will open in 2017. The ride closes Jan. 2. Photo taken in Anaheim on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. (Photo by Mark Eades, Orange County Register/SCNG)

The Disneyland Resort removed the sign on the top of the Tower of Terror attraction at Disney California Adventure Monday night. The sign said “The Hollywood Tower Hotel.” This is being done in preparation for the new Guardians of the Galaxy-Mission Breakout version for the ride that will open in 2017. The ride closes Jan. 2. Photo taken in Anaheim on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. (Photo by Mark Eades, Orange County Register/SCNG)

The final ride will take place in early January, and then, the attraction will be transformed into Guardians of the Galaxy Mission: BREAKOUT


You can read some of the initial responses here.

So what do you think? Is the ride a favorite, must-do-every-time sort of ride for you? Are you a scaredy-cat like me who just happens to be ridiculously sentimental? Or, are you super-psyched for the new ride? Leave your thoughts in the comment box below!


What’s in a Name?… Poll!

If you’re like me, you’ve already planned out your future children’s names. And that includes human babies and fur babies. Of course, these names are all related to Disney, somehow. Luckily, I’ve already had the chance to use one of my favorite Disney-inspired names on my furbaby, Anabelle! Named for Belle from Beauty and the Beast, the ironic joke is that my quizzical pup can actually be both – a beauty, and a beast!

As I inch towards my thirties (yikes!), my mind is set more on future human children. And wouldn’t you know it, the folks at Disney Baby have already lent a helping hand and created a few categorized lists of Disney-inspired-baby-names. My favorite list is the 13 Retro Baby Names that I happened to stumble upon!



For the boys, how about one of these 7 options?:

1. Walter – Walter has been popping up more frequently in my social media feed. It’s a timeless choice, as well as a great balance between sensible and creative.

2. Elias – Elias was Walt’s middle name, given to him by his father of the same name. It’s a Greek name full of religious meaning, and a more modern take on Elijah.

3. Arundel – Arendelle is the home to Anna and Elsa, so I shouldn’t have been so shocked to see a similar name show up in the Disney family tree. Arundel Disney was the great-grandfather of Walt Disney. This uncommon name could be shortened to Arun (like Aaron) for a boy.

4. Ollie – The iconic early animator Ollie Johnston was known as one of the “Nine Old Men,” the group of head animators responsible for movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Peter Pan, and Alice in Wonderland. He created Mr. Smee and Cinderella’s stepsisters. I love nicknames like Ollie that are given as full first names.

5. Mickey – Like Ollie, this nickname could totally be used as a first name. It’s iconic, it’s playful, and it’s where it all started. Mickey sounds like the kid on your T-Ball team, and when he grows up, Mickey sounds like the neighbor who always returns your tools in a timely manner.

6. Ozzie (short for Oswald) – Did you know Disney’s first animated star was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit? The precursor to Mickey, Oswald was funny and his cartoons had a great storyline. Ozzie is a fun choice for a family wanting to honor the legacy of Disney animation.

7. Peter – Said to have been Walt’s favorite, Peter Pan was released in 1953. Walt played Peter himself in a school play, having brother Roy hoist him by rope to fly. Peter has the charm of a youth who relies on faith, trust, and a little pixie dust. But it’s also a name to grow old with.


Make Your Choice!


And the girls, we got 6 to choose from:

1. Lillian – The beloved wife of Walt, Lillian Disney also gave her name to one of the Disneyland train cars, the Lillie Belle Presidential Train Car. Like the elegant car, Lillian was polished and dignified. Lily is a more delicate version of the name, but still makes a great tribute to the First Lady of Disneyland.

2. Flora – Not just one of Sleeping Beauty’s fairy godmothers, Flora is the name of Walt Disney’s own mother. Flora would make for a name full of natural beauty. If you remember, it’s the gift of beauty that Flora bestows upon the infant princess in Sleeping Beauty. Since Flora also has access to the Sword of Truth and Shield of Virtue, naming a daughter Flora may just instill these attributes in her.

3. Marceline – I really love this name for a little girl. Marceline, Missouri is Walt’s boyhood hometown. Main Street, Disneyland was inspired by this small farm town. The name makes me think of sipping lemonade, baking pies, and making great childhood memories. Marcie or Celine would both be great nicknames for Marceline.

4. Georgina – As Walt watched his daughters upon a carousel, he envisioned a place where parents and children could have fun together. The King Arthur’s Carousel was one of the original rides when the park opened in 1955. Each carousel horse is unique, and named as such. Georgina is my favorite from the list (available at Disneyland’s City Hall). How cute would her first carousel ride on a horse with the same name be?

5. Alice – Alice Davis designed costumes for attractions like Pirates of the Caribbean. This legend was able to add Disney flair to her designs. Alice is also the title character in Walt’s 13th animated film. More recently, Alice has been seen as a powerful adventurer who believes in impossible things. Nothing is more Walt than thinking, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Looking for a name that’ll inspire wonder? Try Alice.

6. Mary – From quirky to classic, there’s something in Walt’s life for everyone. Mary Blair’s vibrant color scheme and modern style made her one of Walt’s most beloved and inspirational designers. Her iconic style is most clearly seen in the “it’s a small world” ride.


Make Your Choice!

If I had to choose one from each category, I’d have to go with Elias for the boy and Marceline for the girl.


Happy (belated) Birthday Dick Van Dyke!

happy birthday

The jolly ol’ chimney sweep celebrated his 90th Birthday yesterday, and in some serious style, I might add. Kicking off his birthday weekend, the celebrated actor enjoyed a flash mob of assorted Mary Poppins characters as they danced at The Grove in Los Angeles on Saturday to some classic Poppins tunes.

He even joined in for a sing-a-long with the group! It’s a truly adorable and heartwarming video. Van Dyke is still so sharp, so funny, so animated! His acting career is speckled with feel-good family films, and he is a reminder of how television and movies used to be. Oh, the good old days. I just think he is amazing!

Even though I’m a day late, it still needs to be said: A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!

dvd gif

NEW Giclée on Canvas Paintings are Astonishingly Gorgeous!

Recently I developed a love for the late artist Thomas Kinkade, an admiration reinforced after my visit to the beautiful gallery, Thomas Kinkade at Old Town in Temecula, California. Afterwards, I did what any good Disney Diva would do, and purchased half-a-dozen Kinkade Disney prints online. I have them now, rolled up in a closet, because what the heck am I going to do with all of those prints?!

Yes, the obvious thing to do would be hang them on the wall. But this girl has real hesitation with hanging things on walls. Why? Who knows. Doesn’t matter.

I knew before I went on a crazy shopping spree, and thanks to these new releases of Giclee artwork at the Disney Store, I’m afraid I will betray myself again! Luckily, these works of art are more pricey than the prints I was able to order.

frozen giclee lilogiclee

minniegiclee mulangiclee

I literally can’t get enough of looking at these! Maybe I’ll have to open up my OWN gallery. These paintings are incredible!

While I can’t say that I have a favorite, because that would be extremely difficult, I will say that the painting which made my jaw drop initially and has got me thinking of a potential placement – somewhere! – in my tiny house, is the Lilo and Stitch painting. How preciously surreal is that?

You can check out the rest the paintings by visiting the Disney Store online. They are currently under the “New Arrivals” page, or search for “Giclee on Canvas” and you’ll find them.

Now, I’m off to scour for loose change in the couch for completely unrelated reasons…