Week of Celebrating Disney Dogs: Day 2

Day 2: Celebrating Disney’s Fancy Dogs!

Some Disney pups are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Take, for example, this guy:


Percy from Pocahontas

Is Percy not the epitome of fancy? The feathered hat, the gold-trimmed pillow, and that wave! So regal, so posh, don’t you agree? While Percy was raised in the proper English form, his visit to the New World pushed the dapper doggie into unknown territory, where he met up with some more rambunctious animals, like Meeko for instance. This clash of worlds will take the edge off Percy and with the help from his new friends, he begins to open his mind to other things, even if they aren’t brought to him on a silver platter!

georgette gif ugly

Georgette from Oliver & Company

Have you listened to her song? Have you seen her fancy hair and gold necklace? Georgette is truly a fancy dog. Actually, she takes it to the next level! This girl is spoiled and jealous of any one possibly having more than she has. Her own designated bedroom apparently isn’t enough for this fabulous lady. While she does soften up after the Oliver adventure, the air about her never goes away. Perfect isn’t easy… but it’s me – oh, come on!


Jock and Trusty from “Lady and the Tramp”

Okay, now I know some people might be wondering why these two fall under Fancy dogs. Well, I was thinking of my definition of fancy, and it does tend to correlate with “rich”. Jock and Trusty do live in a affluent neighborhood, and by the looks of the patios they reside on, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have eaten more expensive food then I have! Can’t you just imagine Jock sitting down to a meal of caviar while Trusty explains the history of rich French food? I can. And while they are without the overtly snobby attitudes such as Percy and Georgette, Jock and Trusty do turn their noses up at the sight of the ragamuffin Tramp. Yeah, they’ve got a little snob in them after all!

So Many Things I Want to Say, But Can’t. Thankfully…

Thankfully I have Disney movies to watch that deliver the “Oh, snap!” rhetoric I only dream of using when performing my customer service duties. Some people can be so rude, so mean! Thanks to Francis from Oliver and Company for eloquently stating a point I wish I could have used earlier this morning!



And it was a very colorful vocabulary at that… 😥



What’s better than a Disney song… or 21…

Good morning! If you’re utterly bored of the music on the radio and need a refreshing new playlist idea, check out this post I discovered. It lists 21 of some “under-appreciated” Disney songs – some that I had forgotten about. Such as…

No, listen to it again! Tarzan wasn’t one of my favorites until I got older. The lyrics are great and the song is really moving.

ADVICE TIME… If you do take some (or all) of these suggestions (which I am planning to add to my own Disney playlist), maybe skip ‘Baby Mine’ from Dumbo, unless you don’t mind your mascara running down your face when you arrive at work 🙂

My eyes begin to water if I look at this too long. 😦
