Top Ten: Inspiring Life Quotes

Disney movies are truly magical. The storytelling is brilliant, the animators are always pushing the limits, and some of the most memorable songs some from these films. They also provide us with some wise words of wisdom. In this Top Ten, I had the daunting task of assigning a rank to only ten inspiring life quotes. Disney movies have an amazing amount of quotable phrases, which include good advice and life lessons. So, here’s what I was able to whittle it down too!

#10. “The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.” – Timothy Mouse, from Dumbo


Finding strength in your struggles makes the experience so much more rewarding. Using the adversity to your advantage is what makes you strong. Way to go, Timothy! He gave Dumbo the inspiration to soar, and inadvertently provided us with a golden nugget of inspiration.

#9. “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Alice, from Alice in Wonderland


I love this quote. We do grow little by little every day, as long as we are open to learning. We should always be growing, because that is part of life!

#8. “Put you faith in what you most believe in.” from Tarzan


This is straight to the point. I think it’s very important to stand for something, and to believe in something. If we don’t, then what do we have to inspire us to do and be better?

#7. “There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin, from Winnie The Pooh

winnie robin

As far as life quotes go, this one is pretty powerful. You have to have faith in yourself, and believe in yourself, before any one else will. Be your number one fan!

#6. “Our fate lives within us. We only have to be brave enough to see it.” Merida, from Brave


It’s easy to be a critic to someone else’s life. It’s more difficult to evaluate yourself, because usually this brings forward things that you need to change. And that takes bravery. But once you take a good hard look at all of your flaws AND strengths, you’ll discover more about yourself. That is your reward.

#5. “Sometimes the right path isn’t the easiest one.” Grandmother Willow, from Pocahontas

grandmother willow

Short, sweet, and very true. I don’t want to glide through life without taking any risks. Getting to the victory means cutting your own path. It’s scary, but so worthwhile.

#4. “You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.” Gusteau, from Ratatouille


So, if you haven’t watched Ratatouille yet – what are you waiting for? Gems like these quotes are threaded throughout this amazing film. How deep is this quote? And it’s spoken by a figment of a rat’s imagination! Regardless of the source, it is truly profound. We are our only limit, and sometimes we have to get out of our own way. But never let anyone else put limitations on you.

#3. “Life is not a spectator sport. If watching is all you’re gonna do, then you’re gonna watch your life go by without you.” Laverne, fromThe Hunchback of Notre Dame


This line can be missed because it is said by a lesser character, but it sure gives you a kick in the pants! Laverne got Quasimodo out of his comfort zone, and we need to listen to that. Get out of your own way and put yourself out there if you really want to experience life!

#2. “When life gets you down, do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep swimming!” Dory, from Finding Nemo


Another piece of gold from an unlikely source, this time a little fish with no memory. Dory sums up the best attitude to have while on our own adventure. Just. Keep. Swimming. ❤

#1. “Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.”Pooh Bear, from Winnie the Pooh


This silly old bear really gets it. Can life be explained any more plainly? Why mince words when the lesson is so simple. I often find myself trying to figure out this world, how to “win” at it, and it isn’t being fair to myself. This isn’t a win or lose situation. Experiencing the world, and living our life the best we can, is what this whole thing is about.

So, what Disney quotes inspire you? Let me know what you think! 



Happy (Belated) Earth Day!

pocahontas quote

Darn it. I was all ready for planting and gardening outside yesterday, but work (adult life) got in the way – again!

Anyways, in honor of our beautiful earth, I thought I would share a song that encompasses all of the wondrous glories that nature has to offer. Pocahontas, sing it girl!

Fairytale Designer Collection

I have to say, I was disappointed at the lack of The Princess and the Frog representation while on my trip to WDW. While at the largest Disney store in the world in Downtown Disney (World of Disney store), I was bombarded with floor to ceiling offerings of Frozen memorabilia. Don’t get me wrong, I am in love with that movie, but my girl Tiana is seriously under represented. I figured at the largest Disney store in the world, they would have been able to dedicate a shelf or two to her. *sigh*

Anyways, my disappointment has been mildly averted, thanks to the new “Fairytale Designer Collection” on


This collection highlights the following movies: The Princess and the Frog, Mulan, Pocahontas, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella.


It’s a rather small collection, but it’s a start! And check out the beautiful Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen doll!

tiana doll

While I’m less of a doll collector and am more likely to buy one of the mugs (or shirts, but I’m slowly getting away from that, too, with the help of my tiny closet), I have to say that I was tempted to start a doll collection. But I think for now, I’ll just be happy to know that this exists out there, somewhere!

Now go watch the movie and tell me that Tiana isn’t one of the coolest Disney Princesses to date! 😀

Week of Celebrating Disney Dogs: Day 2

Day 2: Celebrating Disney’s Fancy Dogs!

Some Disney pups are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Take, for example, this guy:


Percy from Pocahontas

Is Percy not the epitome of fancy? The feathered hat, the gold-trimmed pillow, and that wave! So regal, so posh, don’t you agree? While Percy was raised in the proper English form, his visit to the New World pushed the dapper doggie into unknown territory, where he met up with some more rambunctious animals, like Meeko for instance. This clash of worlds will take the edge off Percy and with the help from his new friends, he begins to open his mind to other things, even if they aren’t brought to him on a silver platter!

georgette gif ugly

Georgette from Oliver & Company

Have you listened to her song? Have you seen her fancy hair and gold necklace? Georgette is truly a fancy dog. Actually, she takes it to the next level! This girl is spoiled and jealous of any one possibly having more than she has. Her own designated bedroom apparently isn’t enough for this fabulous lady. While she does soften up after the Oliver adventure, the air about her never goes away. Perfect isn’t easy… but it’s me – oh, come on!


Jock and Trusty from “Lady and the Tramp”

Okay, now I know some people might be wondering why these two fall under Fancy dogs. Well, I was thinking of my definition of fancy, and it does tend to correlate with “rich”. Jock and Trusty do live in a affluent neighborhood, and by the looks of the patios they reside on, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have eaten more expensive food then I have! Can’t you just imagine Jock sitting down to a meal of caviar while Trusty explains the history of rich French food? I can. And while they are without the overtly snobby attitudes such as Percy and Georgette, Jock and Trusty do turn their noses up at the sight of the ragamuffin Tramp. Yeah, they’ve got a little snob in them after all!